Purtzki, Johansen + Associates


Just for Doctors Newsletters

August 31, 2020 deadline for business loan and rent relief!

CEBA (Canada Emergency Business Account) Please note that the deadline to submit an enrollment request form under the CEBA  program is August 31, 2020. If your total employment income paid in the 2019 calendar year was greater than $20,000 and … [Read more...]

New CRB $400/week benefit and other goodies!

Four days ago, our new Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland announced new measures to support Canadian workers through the next phase of the recovery. CERB Extension CERB to date has paid out about $70 billion to over 8.5 million Canadians. Prior … [Read more...]

Extension of tax payment deadlines and interest relief

Payment deadline extension CRA is extending the payment due date for the current year individual, corporate, and trust income tax returns including instalment payments from September 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. Penalties and interest will not be … [Read more...]

How to pay for post-secondary education in the year of COVID-19

Unable to have summer jobs, many students face the new school year with precious few savings. Are there any solutions? There are a number of government funded programs that provide funds toward the cost of post-secondary education. The Canada … [Read more...]

The revised CEWS: How do the new rules work?

The government released draft legislation regarding a redesigned Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). Here are the highlights of the key changes. The CEWS was extended to November 21, 2020 with a potential further extension to December 31, … [Read more...]

Teaching Your Children About Money

As a high income earner you are in the fortunate position to meet every need of your children. It is nice to spoil them sometimes without going overboard. The danger is that you make them financial dependent on you and take away their self- reliance. … [Read more...]

Contributing to the CPP past age 65

If you work until age 65, you have no choice but contributing to the CPP. If you are 65 to 70 years of age and you continue to work you can choose not to make CPP contributions. If you continue to work after age 65 while receiving the CPP retirement … [Read more...]

You need proof of total km driven when you claim auto expenses

When CRA audits your auto expenses, you not only need proof for the expenses incurred but you also have to substantiate the total kilometres driven. This fact was highlighted in a Tax Court of Canada case. The taxpayer, Ms. Wallens, used her … [Read more...]

Buying life insurance without your own money

There are many doctors who see the need for life insurance but do not have the cash flow available to pay for the premiums. Often these doctors are asset rich and cash poor. Or they simply are reluctant to tie up their own money. Mark Halpern, a … [Read more...]

The 1.99% five year fixed mortgage rate is here!

HSBC is offering a 1.99% fixed mortgage rate for default-insured mortgages. The uninsured five-year fixed rate is about 2.29%. You only need a down payment of 20% of the purchase price. Compared to the 2.99% rate in the market today, a $1 million … [Read more...]

Our New Dentist Program is designed to help new dentists start their career with a solid financial foundation.

What sets us apart from other dental CPA firms is our years of experience working closely with dentists. We offer an unmatched skill set that goes way beyond routine accounting and tax planning. From Practice purchase or Start up assistance and loan financing to practice management and financial/retirement planning, we will help you manage every aspect of the financial side of your dental career.

Call at 604-669-7558 or email us at info[at]purtzki.com to request a free consultation.
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