Purtzki, Johansen + Associates


Just for Doctors Newsletters

Ordinary Canadians Pay 40% of all Capital Gains Taxes

40% of Canadians who pay capital gains taxes earn less than $100,000 a year. There is a common misperception that capital gains taxes are only paid by rich Canadians. “Despite what many Canadians believe, most capital gains taxes are paid by … [Read more...]

CPP Tax Hike Hurts All Canadian Workers

The maximum pensionable earnings and contribution rate for 2021 have now been released and are a surprise to many; the cost of CPP is significantly increasing. Year Max. Pensionable Earnings ($) Employer/ee Contribution Rate (%) Max. Annual … [Read more...]

Hurry: January 31 is deadline for the wage subsidy application

January 31, 2021 is the deadline for application of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for Period 1 (based on March 2020 revenue) through to Period 5 (based on July 2020 revenue). If you would like our firm to assist you in the calculation of your … [Read more...]

The extra $20,000 CEBA loan – Think Twice before You Apply

The expanded CEBA loan program provides for a $60,000 loan, of which $20,000 will be forgiven provided the loan is repaid by December 31, 2022. Businesses and professionals that have not yet applied for the original CEBA loan will be required to meet … [Read more...]

$20,000 top up of the $40,000 CEBA loan

The federal government has officially expanded the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA). Starting immediately, you can get another $20,000 in loan funding on top of the $40,000 you can already access. To apply for the additional funding, … [Read more...]

The new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)

The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) was just announced, and it will replace the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program. The CERS will be similar to the CECRA, as it will provide rent relief for small businesses and … [Read more...]

Make year-end tax planning your number No. 1 priority

Here are some year-end tax planning ideas of how you can reduce your income tax bill for 2020. 1. Strip money from Inc. at capital gains tax rates Ponder for a moment the B.C. personal tax rates for 2020 when your income exceeds … [Read more...]

Would you like some tax-free income?

The most significant tax-free receipt is the principal residence exemption. However, there is other income that is not taxed, such as: inheritances and bequests from a deceased person any gifts, provided they are not disguised as employment … [Read more...]

When the sale of your home becomes taxable

When you sell your principal residence, you are not guaranteed a tax-free sale. It depends on your situation. If you use the principal residence exemption (PRE) quite a bit more than the average Canadian, you will draw the attention of the tax … [Read more...]

Repaying the $40,000 CEBA loan

You have until December 31, 2020, to receive a $40,000 loan under the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program. The purpose of this program is to help eligible businesses pay for operating expenses, payroll and other non-deferrable … [Read more...]

Our New Dentist Program is designed to help new dentists start their career with a solid financial foundation.

What sets us apart from other dental CPA firms is our years of experience working closely with dentists. We offer an unmatched skill set that goes way beyond routine accounting and tax planning. From Practice purchase or Start up assistance and loan financing to practice management and financial/retirement planning, we will help you manage every aspect of the financial side of your dental career.

Call at 604-669-7558 or email us at info[at]purtzki.com to request a free consultation.
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