If you defer the OAS pension to age 70, the pension will be 36% greater than at age 65. Many choose to take the OAS at age 65 for several reasons. You need the pension for retirement income. The 36% increase in OAS at age 70 is less than the 42% bump … [Read more...]
Just for Doctors Newsletters
Immediate Write-off of eligible assets
If you are an individual, partnership or a professional corporation, you can now immediately write off up to $1.5 million of eligible assets each year that you acquired after April 9, 2021 that become available for use before January 1, 2024. The … [Read more...]
The Federal Budget 2022 in a Nutshell
Student loan forgiveness for rural doctors – Up to $60,000 in loan forgiveness for doctors working in rural or remote communities. Personal and corporate tax – No rate increase. Capital gains inclusion rate – Remains at 50%. … [Read more...]
Federal Budget 2021: What You Need to Know!
After waiting more than two years without a Federal Budget, there was a lot of angst among taxpayers fearing Draconian tax measures to help pay for the ballooning deficit. The good news is that the 724 pages of yesterday’s budget did not contain … [Read more...]
What a tax audit will most likely focus on
Here is a shortlist of common tax mistakes which trigger reassessments. Automobile expenses When claiming auto expenses, you need to provide evidence supporting the auto expense allocation between business and personal use. The tax auditor … [Read more...]
The BC Small Business Recovery Grant
On March 4, 2021, B.C. updated the eligibility for the Business Recovery Grant. This grant ranges from $10,000 to $30,000, depending on the size of your business. It is based on pre-COVID annual revenues as follows: Pre-COVID annual … [Read more...]
The PST Rebate on Equipment Purchases
The British Columbia government will allow incorporated professionals and other businesses to apply for a 100 per cent rebate of PST paid between September 17, 2020 and September 30, 2021 (“Eligible Time Period”) on purchases or leases of select … [Read more...]
The one-time, tax-free payment of $1,000 for B.C. Residents
The B.C. Recovery Benefit is a one-time, tax-free payment of: $1,000 for families with incomes under $125,000. Families earning up to $175,000 will qualify for a reduced benefit amount. Single-parent families also qualify for these benefit … [Read more...]
A Great Tax Shelter-Soon to Disappear
Many dentists are taking advantage of a tax strategy of converting the regular dividends from their corporations into a capital gain generating huge savings. To illustrate, the capital gains tax on $200,000 of income from the corporation is about … [Read more...]
The 2021 financial challenge: saving for retirement
The year 2020 was a time that everyone wants to forget. The pandemic disrupted our lives in unimaginable ways. It brought our economy to its knees, forcing the closure of many thriving businesses. Medical clinics were not spared either. The … [Read more...]