Here are a few ideas for your 2024 financial checklist to help put you into an even better financial position by this time next year. Despite the higher interest rates and fear of the recession in 2023, many doctors who invested in the stock … [Read more...]
Just for Doctors Newsletters
Probate planning in a nutshell
When is probate necessary? Probate is required when assets are held on an individual’s death that pass through a person’s Will to the surviving beneficiaries. Probate is a court proceeding that confirms that: The Will is not being … [Read more...]
Fall Economic Summit Release
On November 21, 2023 the federal government released its annual Fall Economic Summit. Some of the key highlights to note are as follows: Rental expense deduction for non-compliant short-term rentals A new rule prevents short-term rental … [Read more...]
Expansion of BC Speculation and Vacancy Tax to more Communities
The BC government announced it is expanding the current Speculation and Vacancy Tax to include 13 more communities below: Vernon, Coldstream Penticton, Summerland Lake Country, Peachland Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland Parksville, … [Read more...]
Immediate Expensing Deadline: December 31, 2023
The 2021 Federal Budget brought in rules that allowed individuals, partnerships, or private corporations to entirely write off asset additions (some types of assets, such as buildings, were excluded) in the year of acquisition, unlike in previous … [Read more...]
Short-Term Rental Rules and UHT Deadline Updates
On October 26, 2023, only 10 days after the drafted legislation was released (see previous article) the NDP passed the legislation without any of the amendments that the opposition BC United Party had suggested. While the regulations to support the … [Read more...]
Don’t miss the (FHSA) contribution deadline of December 31
The deadline to contribute to a First Home Savings Account (FHSA) and get a deduction on your 2023 tax return is December 31, 2023. We previously wrote about the details of the program … [Read more...]
CEBA Loan Deadline Extension
CEBA Loan Deadline Extension The government announced a long-awaited deadline extension for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan repayments. Deadline Extension The repayment deadline has been extended to January 18, 2024 (from the … [Read more...]
GAAR Changes to End Surplus Stripping?
The 2023 Federal Budget released draft legislation amending the General Anti-Avoidance Rules (“GAAR”) that would significantly impact any transactions the government finds abusive. After an initial consultation period, updated draft legislation was … [Read more...]
Reminder to File Your Underused Housing Tax (“UHT”) Forms by October 31, 2023
As we initially reported in our March 14, 2023 newsletter the government requires Canadians to file UHT returns for residential property held inside a private corporation, partnership or via a trust (including a bare trust). For the 2022 taxation … [Read more...]