Purtzki, Johansen + Associates


Just for Doctors Newsletters

The Best Book on Investing Ever Written

The greatest practical investment thinker and one of the best investors was Benjamin Graham. When the book; " The Intelligent Investor” was first published in the 1950s, it was hailed as the best book about investing to the general public ever … [Read more...]

Charitable Giving Costs Less Than You Think

Making a donation before December 31, 2019 not only benefits your favourite charity but also reduces your income taxes. The amount of tax savings depend on whether you make a cash donation or a gift of assets, including the securities, artwork or … [Read more...]

Year-End Tax Saving Strategies for Doctors

As we approach the year-end, there is no better time than now to compile your checklist of tax saving strategies to reduce your income tax bill for 2019. Reduce tax on shareholder draws If you took large draws from your corporation, … [Read more...]

How Much Retirement Income Do You Need?

In order to provide the best possible advice to clients, a financial planner needs to take into account: What should be the asset allocation for the particular client? How much income can the client safely withdraw to ensure that the … [Read more...]

Top 7 financial mistakes doctors make (and how to avoid them)

Dr. James Dahle is a practising emergency physician in the US and the author of “White Coat Investor”, a popular financial guide for doctors. In one of his blogs he lists the big mistakes doctors make in handling their finances. Poor debt … [Read more...]

Five Habits of Successful Investors

Poor investment returns can be blamed largely on investor behaviour rather than the performance of the investment. According to the research, investors deserve the blame because they lack the discipline and patience to weather stock market … [Read more...]

Splitting Income Means Big Tax Savings

When you are in the 50% tax bracket, shifting income to a family member with a 20% tax rate, could generate a 30% tax saving. So, it would seem to make sense to transfer as much income as possible to your spouse and children. Of course, it isn’t that … [Read more...]

What Party Promises the Best Tax Breaks For You?

Here is a comparison of the Federal Parties’ election platforms dealing with corporate and personal income tax. Depending which Party forms the next government on October 21, the proposed tax changes will have a big impact on the income tax you will … [Read more...]

Anxiety, Depression and Phobias may be eligible for Disability Tax Credit

The Tax Court of Canada recently considered whether a taxpayer’s anxiety disorder qualified for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). The taxpayer was a woman who had been diagnosed by a psychiatrist as suffering from severe social anxiety disorder. … [Read more...]

Critical Illness Insurance – It’s Worth Another Look

You have good practice income, and you are well covered by life- and disability insurance. Any additional insurance does not seem necessary. Take a look at Critical Illness (CI) insurance. Once you learn more about it, the benefits become more … [Read more...]

Our New Dentist Program is designed to help new dentists start their career with a solid financial foundation.

What sets us apart from other dental CPA firms is our years of experience working closely with dentists. We offer an unmatched skill set that goes way beyond routine accounting and tax planning. From Practice purchase or Start up assistance and loan financing to practice management and financial/retirement planning, we will help you manage every aspect of the financial side of your dental career.

Call at 604-669-7558 or email us at info[at]purtzki.com to request a free consultation.
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